DBA Artemis
This new variety was released at the SADGA Roseworthy Cropwalk this Sept 2019.
Variety Snapshot
- DBA Artemis has a small yield potential advantage over DBA Aurora (but region dependent)
- Screenings levels and disease profile are comparable to both Aurora and Spes
- Artemis is well adapted for production in the southern wheat growing areas of Australia (SA & Vic)
- Well suited to early-sowing (early May) or mid-sowing (mid-late May)
- Is tolerant to a range of common grass and broadleaf herbicides
- Is WQA approved and is classified ADR in Southern Australia (SA & Vic)
Breeder Comments
Trial data to date suggests that DBA Artemis will be at least comparable or slightly better than Aurora in SA’s Yorke Peninsula and the West Wimmera, respectively. There does not appear to be any significant yield advantage for the broad MN area with this new variety, when compared to Aurora, based on long-term NVT data (Table 1).
The origin of DBA Artemis is from the combination of two fixed lines. The maternal parent of these is Menshia54/2*Kalka/Worrakatta//Tamaroi/Kalka/Kalka/Tamaroi, which was crossed to the paternal parent Kalka*4/Tamaroi.
Risk Factors
Yield vs Protein: As with very high yielding varieties such as DBA Aurora, DBA Artemis may also result in lower levels of protein due to its high yielding performance. Therefore an N management strategy should be implemented by growers that focuses on both grain yield and protein.
Table 1. DBA Artemis yield performance in southern national variety trials (NVT) averaged across three years of trials (2016-2018). Data for each variety is expressed as a % above or below the area mean. Where * is data from 2017-2018 only.
Table 2. DBA Artemis disease resistance ratings compared to current commercial varieties in the southern region. Abbreviations as follows: YLS (Yellow Leaf Spot), Prn
(P. neglectus), Prt (P. thornei), CCN (Cereal Cyst Nematode); CRR (Common Root Rot), CR (Crown Rot). This is the 2018 consensus ratings from NVT. Subscript P stands for a provisional rating.
Table 3. DBA Artemis screenings levels in southern NVT averaged across three years (2016-2018, where available) when compared to other commercially grown durum varieties.
The fact sheet for DBA Artemis available on this link. Please contact Deb Baum SADGAsecretary@gmail.com for orders or further information.
DBA Spes
Dr Jason Able released the new variety Spes at the Roseworthy and South East crop-walks in spring 2018. Dr Able states that DBA Spes assists in alleviating some of the risk associated wit growing durum and improves durum’s fit in the farming system rotation.
Variety Snapshot
- DBA Spes maintains a high relative yield
- Slightly superior resistance to stem rust
- Equivalent or slightly superior disease resistance package to other diseases
- Acceptable protein average
- Delivers improved grain size over older varieties.
For more information on DBA Spes see fact sheet:
DBA Spes Fact Sheet 2018
Dr Jason Able released the new Durum Variety at the Hart Field Day today 16th September 2014.
When compared to other current commercial grown varieties including Hyperno, Saintly, Tjilkuri, Yawa and WID802 – Aurora stacks up by: Maintaining a high relative yield; Having a superior disease resistance package; Has an acceptable protein average; Delivering improved grain size; Importantly, having reduced screenings compared to some varieties; Sowing early vigour and weed competitiveness.
DBA-Aurora will help alleviate some of the risk associated with growing durum and improve durum’s fit in the farming system rotation.
DBA-Aurora has been granted the Wheat Quality Australia classification ADR [Australian premium durum] for both the southern and northern regions of Australia.
DBA-Aurora is a great example of how the grower levies paid each year to the GRDC for research investment is directly coming back to them in the form of a very real, tangible return that will improve their on-farm profitability
For more information contact Jason Able.
- Dr Jason Able at the release of the Durum Variety DBA-Aurora
- Jason speaking at the Durum Site at the Hart Field Day
- Jason speaking at the Durum Site at the Hart Field Day
- Farmers at a crop walk at Tarlee
- Yawa Trial
- Tjilkuri Trial at Tarlee
DBA Spes Fact Sheet –
DBA Aurora Southern Fact Sheet – Click here
WID802 released 2012 – WID802 Fact Sheet
Yawa released 2012 – Yawa Fact Sheet
Tjilkuri released 2010 – Tjilkuri Fact Sheet