Save the Dates and Program Details

Oct 12th, 2022 SADGA/MFMG South East & Victorian West Wimmera Cropwalks starting from 9:30 am SE & West Wimmera Program and maps

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Mid North Cropwalk

Successful day spent in crop and in sheds on Sept 7th for the 2022 SADGA SA Mid North Cropwalks & Machinery Inspections from 9:00 am Program and map.

The full program commenced on Gomersal Road, Shea-Oak Log at 9 am, see map for  locations and program for directions.
The weather was inclement at times but we were able to complete the program as arranged.

  • Nufarm Dropzone and Mini Spray Application Workshop
  • then onto Emmett’s for a complimentary Coffee and cake and a workshop visit to view the New X9 and Flex Drapers
  • Cropwalk at the GRDC NVT off Stone Road
  • While on Stone Road we drop into Josh Krieg’s to see his Seed Terminator
  • Then onto AGT Breeding Centre to see the irrigated varieties
    Lunch is generously supplied by AGT at 12:30 pm
  • A word from Sponsors
  • SADGA AGM from 1:30 pm

20220825 V3 2022 Cropwalk Program Mid North Sept 7

We welcome your input or suggestions, if you have a particular interest contact Deb or John Green.